Oasi WWF di Prato-Stagno Sassoguidano e Riserva Regionale di Sassoguidano.

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Oasi WWF di Prato-Stagno Sassoguidano in inside the Riserva Regionale di Sassoguidano, in the municipality of Pavullo nel Frignano (Mo), in the Panaro valley  and inside a Sito d’Importanza Comunitaria (SIC IT4040004); and also a Zona di Protezione Speciale (ZPS IT4040004).

Riserva Naturale di Sassoguidano occupies a surface of 272 hectares. It is characterised by a notable variety of environments and a good  level of authenticity, thanks to a good forestall coverage, cultivated fields and lawns, Lerna stream and a small wet zone, but of great naturalistic interest: the swamp of Sassomassiccio.
Wide forest surfaces cover the reserve, mixed oak woods  for the production of wood and old chestnut tree woods to produce fruits, which have represented for a long time a nourishment resource for local populations.
Among the woods, there is an Oakwood of Quercus pubescens in which there are other species of xerophilous woods like manna ashes (Fraxinus ornus), Acer monspessulanum, black hornbeams (Ostrya carpinifolia) and Turkey oaks (Quercus cerris), Acer campestre, Acer opalus and aspens (Populus tremula); among the bushes there are laburnums (Cytisus scoparius), Coronilla emerus, Spartium junceum, wild roses (Rosa spp.), spots of butcher’s brooms (Ruscus aculeatus), golden chain trees (Laburnum anagyroides), hazelnut trees (Corylus avellana), cornel trees (Cornus mas), priests’ cap (Euonymus europaeus) and woodbines (Lonicera xylosteum).
At the beginning of springtime, this undergrowth colours itself with della primavera primroses (Primula spp.), violets (Viola spp.), liverworts (Hepatica nobilis), which flank the intense green of hellebores (Helleborus spp.) and Daphne laureola.
The flowerings of various orchids, like Listera ovata, Caphalanthera damasonium, Platanthera chlorantha, Epipactis helleborine and Orchis purpurea.

In the woods of the reserve, also chestnut trees (Castanea sativa) are spread and they make their appearance often with young specimens, but they are principally present in fruit chestnut tree woods with majestic specimens.

In the undergrowth of chestnut trees, there are also  various herbaceous species, such as Geranium nodosum and  Lathyrus vernus.

Oasi di Prato-Stagno Sassoguidano covers a small surface (0,3 hectares), but it has a high naturalistic importance, since it protects a pasture locate inside a forest and swampy area, which is strangely well-preserved. As a matter of fact, it is possible to find here many specimens of the rare Hottonia palustris, which is sensitive to eutrophic phenomena, while around them grow water buttercups , cattails, potamogetons, various species of ferns and orchids.

Rich in amphibious species, such as common-, crested-, Apuan newts, green-, tree- and agile frogs.

The activities organised by WWWF Modena are numerous and are addressed to schools.

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Pavullo nel Frignano(MO)

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