Parco Regionale Fluviale del Trebbia
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Parco Regionale Fluviale del Trebbia, was created in 2009 and it is has been managed by Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità since 2012, it protects about thirty kilometres, which are nearly 4thousand hectares, of the river by the same name, from Rivergaro till flow into the Po. The enchanting landscape is characterised by wide areas of fluvial terraces and pebbly riverbeds along which there are prairies and bushes with fields and zones with extraction activities.
Trebbia starts in the Ligure Apennines, crosses the high and middle Piacentino Apennines in order to reach the first hills, where Parco Fluviale Regionale starts. It represents an important way of passage and nesting place for numerous migratory birds, such as little ringed povlers and the rare Eurasian stone-curlew, which have become symbol of the park. The presence of the stream conditions the surrounding vegetation, in the areas less exposed to floods and of high naturalistic value, thanks to their rich flowerings and spontaneous orchids .
Inside the park there are two “Siti di Importanza Comunitaria” and “Zone di Protezione Speciale” (SIC-ZPS) of Rete Natura 2000 ( “Basso Trebbia”, “Fiume Po da Rio Boriacco a Bosco Ospizio”, “Boschi di Croara”). In the surrounding area, there are numerous castles, such as the one of Rivalta, which is particularly fascinating.
The visit centre is in the oratory Camposanto Vecchio in Borgotrebbia, it is possible to reach it from Piacenza with bus urban-line 4, which stops also at the railway station.
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Centro Visita: Borgotrebbia (PC)- Uffici operativi: corso Garibaldi 50, Piacenza - 29020 Rivalta Trebbia-Gazzola (PC)(PC)
+39 0523 795480