Cave di Noale WWF Oasis

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This oasis is in the municipality of Noale and is acknowledged as a Site of Community Importance (SIC IT3250017). These 45 acres of land are currently managed by the WWF, on behalf of their owners – the Municipality of Noale.

Due to excavation activities, large depressions were created in this place. At the end of such activites, due to abundant rainwater, groundwater and the Rio Draganziolo, those depressions became ponds with different depths. The latter have allowed several species of animals and plants to find right there their perfect habitat. The initial vegetation soon gave way to luxuriant marsh plants and shrub trees. The flora includes some species of Phragmites australis (common reed), Carex elata, and Carex riparia (sedges), Typha latifolia, and Typha angustifolia (cattail), and the increasingly rare Nymphaea alba. The most common tree species are Salix alba, Salix cinrea, Populus nigra, Populus alba and Alnus glutinosa.

Today, this wetland is home to several species of birds, fish and amphibians, including grey herons, little egrets, night herons, Eurasian bitterns, little bitterns, water rails, common reed buntings, coots, moorhens, kingfishers, and little grebes. In the shallower ponds, there are several species of waders.

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