Orti Giuli, Public Park

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Orti Giuli, on via Belvedere – Bastione del Carmine, along the walls built by the Della Rovere family, represents one of the first XIX century examples of a public park in Italy. This green area was, in fact, built between 1827 and 1830 by Count Francesco Cassi, in honour of his cousin Giulio Perticari; the latter, a famous scholar, had died in 1822 and had always been very fond of leisure strolls in that very place. During their lives, Cassi and Perticari spearheaded the new liberal ideas that will give rise to the Risorgimento movement.

The project of the park, designed on a tree-lined facility a botanical garden, was devised by engineer Pompeo Mancini from Ferrara and set inside the ancient city walls.
The garden, which is arranged on several floors, features the neoclassical taste of those times, with pathways, steps, groves, statues, busts, and archaeological finds.
In the highest part, at the top of the main avenue – where the bust of Giulio Perticari was erected, visitors can enjoy a beautiful view of the city and its surroundings.
Since 1861, Orti Giuli has housed “Valerio” Seismic Meteorological Observatory.

Owned by the Municipality of Pesaro, this park is currently managed by “La Ginestra” Social Cooperative.

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Via Belvedere - Pesaro(PU)

0721 31990 La Ginestra Cooperativa Sociale


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