La Cutura Botanical Garden

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This botanical garden covers more than 86 acres of land; it was built in an old country estate and actually created on stony soil (“cute” means “stone” in the local dialect, hence the name “cutura” as in “garden of the stone”).
Visitors can enjoy some beautiful avenues of roses and aromatic herbs eventually leading to the fenced “Giardino dei Semplici” (“Garden of simples” – a medicinal herb garden), where cows and calves merrily graze. Then, there’s the Italian Garden, with medicinal species and geometric flower beds bordered with Boxwood ( Buxus sempervirens ). Visitors can then enjoy the pond with papyrus, water lilies, iris and bamboo, as well as the “rock garden”, made with old stones from the local countryside and surrounded by old walls; this very area contains about 80 varieties of agave, 50 of prickly pear (Opuntia spp.), and several specimens of the Cactaceae family. Not to mention citrus groves and patches of holm oaks (Quercus ilex), where the macerating leaves favour the growth of several varieties of mushroom and truffle. Last but not least, there’s the “Mediterranean forest”, where concerts and events are regularly held in summer.

At the end of this long and interesting route there is a large greenhouse featuring about 2.000 varieties of succulent plants: it’s probably the largest private collection in Italy.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


SP. 235 Palmariggi-Giuggianello - 73030 Giuggianello(LE)

0836 354164

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5 euro

Autunno/Inverno, da lunedì a sabato (visita libera, guidata solo su prenotazione) 10.00-12.30, 15.30-19.30; domenica e festivi 10.30-19.30 (visita libera); visita guidata: 11.00/15.00/17.00 Primavera/Estate, da lunedì a sabato (visita libera, guidata solo su prenotazione) 10.00-12.30, 16.00-20.30, visita guidata: 16.30/18.30; domenica e festivi 10.00-21.00 (visita libera); visita guidata: 11.00/15.00/17.00/19.00

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