Villa Comunale Peripato – Taranto

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Villa Comunale of Taranto, also known as Villa Peripato, opened its gardens to the citizens in 1913, namely the Sant’Antonio garden owned by Beaumont-Bonelli.

The 12-acre green area is located on a limestone bank; its surface is almost completely flat, with few gradients which give both the landscape and the botanical component some movement and irregularity.

The peculiar soil, featuring very little humus and organic substances, as well as the scarcity of water, sensibly affect the growth of the vegetation, especially the arboreal one which requires a lot of nourishment.

The architectural style of this green area evokes the very past of the surrounding landscape, where the land used to be cultivated with fruit trees and citrus plants – still growing in these gardens.

The plant species present in the area mainly belong to the native flora; among the tall trees, there are Aleppo pines (Pinus halepensis), holm oaks (Quercus ilex), Judas-trees (Cercis siliquastrum), plane trees (Platanus spp), lime trees (Tilia spp.), cypresses (Cupressus spp.), palm trees, black locusts (Robinia pseudoacacia), cedars (Cedrus spp.), magnolias (Magnolia spp.), horse chestnuts (Aesculus hippocastanum), and Peruvian pepper trees (Schinus molle).

In the abundant hedges, there are both shrub species typical of the Mediterranean scrub, such as butcher’s broom (Ruscus aculeatus), laurel (Laurus nobili), viburnum (Viburnum spp.), mock privets (Phillyrea spp.), and exotic as pittosporums (Pittosporum spp.), myoporum (Myoporum spp.), and thujas (Thuja spp.).

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