Bosco Fontana Biogenetic Nature Reserve – Bosco Fontana

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Bosco Fontana Biogenetic Nature Reserve is in the municipality of Marmirolo, a few kilometers from Mantua. Its 576 acres is what’s left of the ancient deciduous forests that used to cover the Po River Valley.

The first historical mention about Bosco Fontana dates back to the XIV century, when the Gonzaga family – future lords of Mantua – transformed a large estate between Marmirolo, Goito, and Mincio, into a hunting reserve. Today, what remains of it is under the protection of the Italian Military Police (Carabinieri)

Rich in surface and ground waters, the forest is made of several varieties of broad-leaved trees, including oaks and pins; in the clearings, there are many flowers and herbaceous species; hygrophilous varieties are also present (on the banks, on the surface and underwater), as well as several types of mushrooms.

Local fauna includes weasels, martens, skunks, the black kites, birds of prey that loves rivers and fish, great spotted woodpeckers, wrynecks, and many amphibian ducks.

In the center of the area, there’s the beautiful Palazzina Gonzaga, with operational headquarters, scientific and educational laboratories, and a library.

In this Reserve, there are no visitor areas, no refreshment kiosks, and dogs are not allowed.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Centro Nazionale Carabinieri Biodiversità, Bosco Fontana - 46045 Marmirolo, MN(MN)

0376 295933

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