Casalbeltrame Marsh Nature Reserve
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Located among the territories of Biandrate, Casalino and Casalbeltrame, in the province of Novara, Casalbletrame Marsh Nature Reserve has been part of Lame del Sesia Natural Park since 1986.
It consists partly (1.483 acres) of rice paddies, marked as an “Oriented Nature Reserve”, and partly (25 central acres) of a swamp, managed as a “Special Nature Reserve”.
In the latter, tall trees alternate with grass patches and marshes; during the year, it is possible to observe about 200 species of birds, mostly aquatic, sedentary and nesting, or resting during their seasonal migrations.
The most important are teals, moorhens, little grebes, grey herons, white herons, bitterns, little bitterns, little egrets, white storks, spoonbills and black-winged stilts.
Worth Knowing
Casalbeltrame includes some remains of the Ricetto walls, the medieval bell tower and a beautiful square in front of the parish church; in the hamlet of Fisrengo, the church contains a XVI century fresco depicting “Madonna delle Grazie”.
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C/o Parco Lame del Sesia - via XX Settembre, 12 - Albano Vercellese(VC)
0161 73112