Dune Degli Alberoni WWF Oasis
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Dune degli Alberoni Oasis is located in the Municipality of Venice and is acknowledged as a Site of Community Importance (SIC IT3250023), as well as a Special Protection Area (ZPS IT3250023).
This 40-hectare area is bordered to the east by the Venice Lagoon and represents the dune environment consolidated by herbaceous xeric vegetation, with the presence of Ammophila littoralis.
This stretch of the coast has appeared following the completion of the north dam of the mouth of Malamocco River, in 1872. Close to that imposing building, the currents have accumulated a large amount of sandy material in a few decades. The wind then has contributed to modelling the dunes, as we know them today. The management of this oasis has been entrusted since to the Veneto WWF and the Municipality of Venice since 1997, on behalf of the Province of Venice.
The endemic species of the sandy coast of the Upper Adriatic Sea can be therefore seen in this oasis, including Ammophila littoralis (marram grass), Medicago marina (coastal medick) and Cyperus kalli (Sand Galingale). The area behind the dunes is covered with Tortula ruralis and steppe vegetation, including the rare Centaurea tommasinii (Tommasini’s knapweed) and Trachomitum venetum (sword-leaf dogbane).
Behind it, a 74-acre pine forest extends is currently managed by the regional Forest Services, consisting of Pinus pinea (stone pines), and Pinus pinaster (maritime pines). To date, this portion of the territory is being converted into a mixed wood with broad-leaved trees such as Quercus ilex (holm oaks), Fraxinus ornus (manna ashes), Quercus pubescens (downy oaks), and spontaneous Populus alba (white poplars). Furthermore, Schoenus nigricans (black bog-rush) and Erianthus ravennae (ravennagrass) prevail in the humid depressions.
The fauna includes many reptiles and amphibians, including the green whip snakes, Italian wall lizards, and green toads, protected by the “Habitat” Directive (92/43 / EEC). Mammals include hedgehogs, house mice and lesser white-toothed shrews.
Several species of birds nest here, including European bee-eaters, Kentish plovers, nightjars, Sardinian and melodious warblers, and cirl buntings. Among the birds of prey, there are sparrow hawks and kestrels, as well as migrating peregrine falcons and black kites.
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