Francesco Borgogna Museum
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The Francesco Borgogna Museum is located in an elegant neoclassical building built in 1836 by Epaminonda Ferrero and bought by Francesco Antonio Borgogna, in 1881. It was established in 1907, along with its own managing Foundation.
When it was opened, the museum already featured several collections of paintings, sculptures, graphic and decorative works of art, for a total of more than 2.000 exhibits.
Several extensions of the exhibition spaces eventually led to a total exhibition space of 3.587 square yards, arranged on the ground floor and on the other two floors of Palazzo Borgogna.
In 1933, the museum acquired some precious paintings from the Institute of Fine Arts, mostly dating back to the local artists (mainly from Vercelli) of the XV and XVI centuries.
The collection was then further expanded and, in addition to regional paintings, Italian works of art from the XV, XVI, XVII and XVIII centuries, as well as Flemish, Dutch and German ones were included in the exhibition.
The museum also offers examples of decorative art, from furniture to ceramics, from hard stones to glass and goldsmiths. There are also sculptures made of bronze, marble and wood, as well as several drawings and old prints from the 1700s.
The Borgogna Museum is part of the “Abbonamenti Musei Torino Piemonte” (“Turin Piedmont Museum Subscriptions”) circuit, promoted by the Piedmont Region.
The Library can be accessed on request; please contact +39 0161 211338.
This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)
Via Antonio Borgogna 4-6 - 13100 Vercelli(VC)
0161 252776
Altre info
Intero: 8,00 euro; ridotto: 6,00 euro (gruppi da 15 persone, ICOM, TCI,vVercelli Viva, Italia Nostra e studenti universitari in Storia dell' Arte o con tessera USCard, soci MECARD, persone diversamente abili eaccompagnatore,titolari tessera FMR Symposium, visitatori Mostra Guggenheim, insegnanti e tifosi Convenzione Pro Vercelli, Meridiani d'Europa, Brescia Musei, Amici dei Musei Vercelli, Associazione Bed and Breakfast ScopriPiemonte, associati della Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica di Vercelli, Fai (sezione nazionale)). Scuole: 5,00 euro. Carta giovani: 5,00 euro. Visite guidate per singoli o gruppi esclusivamente su prenotazione: 50,00 euro da aggiungersi al costo del biglietto d'ingresso. Cumulativo: 14,00 euro (permette la visita del Museo Borgogna, del Museo del Tesoro del Duomo e del Museo Camillo Leone entro i trenta giorni successivi alla data di emissione. Non è valido in occasione di mostre ed eventi speciali che coinvolgano separatamente le tre istituzioni).
Da martedì a venerdì: 15.00-17.30 (al mattino solo su prenotazione). Sabato: 10.00-12.30. Domenica: 10.00-12.30 e 14.00-18.00