Gargano Oranges

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Also known as “Portagall” in the local dialect, the oranges cultivated in the Gargano area are typical of the whole Apulian territory and grown, in particular, in Agro di Rodi Garganico.
Incidentally, Riccardo Bacchelli, an author and a playwriter (1981-1985) wrote that: “…the smell of the orange groves on the beach of Rodi Garganico is so sweet, that it brings tears to yours eyes at the time of flowering”.

Spherical in shape and not too large in size, this orange has a sweet taste and a particular aroma. Thanks to its long shelf life, this orange could be exported even to America in the past, always arriving in perfect condition.

The Gargano oranges ripen from March-April until July-August. After the harvest, they are placed in plastic crates and stored in special warehouses until they are sold.
The production does not usually exceed 25 tons per hectare for “Duretta del Gargano” variety and 30 tons per hectare for the “Biondo comune del Gargano” one.

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Rodi Garganico(FG)

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