Giardino di Palazzo di Varignana

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Palazzo di Varignana widened its properties in 2015 and enriched the charm of its park with acquisition of one of the gardens of the “Network Grandi Giardini Italiani”.
The garden, which extends itself on a surface of three hectares, was created by the landscaper  Antonio Perazzi,  who created a garden by designing walls, terraces, stairs, fountains and a majestic pool and by putting together natural, country and formal elements, which melt together spontaneously.

The collection of oaks created by Perazzi is remarkable and includes 100 specimens with 76 different species, one of the most important arboreal patrimonies in Italy.

The formal garden represents the first part of the garden and its geometric rooms, which face one another ,  are divided harmoniously  by hedges of ginko biloba, Carpinus betulus and rows of maple trees (Acer campestre) with rose bushes, gramineous plants, ornamental cherry trees and  Cornus mas. From this point, the gaze gets lost on the landscape with unique views.

After overstepping a pergola of roses and ornamental apple trees, visitors get to the vegetal labyrinth (Labirinto Carlico), designed by Sandro Ricci who projected also the harmonious connection point between the garden and the 20 hectares park in 2015. The originality of the labyrinth derives from the superimpositions of of Phyllirea angustifolia hedges and the orchard.

The garden covers each side Giardino what once was the Manor House, from which two luxury apartments have been obtained. Apart from numerous herbaceous essences, it includes trees, Mediterranean shrubs, broom trees flowerings and scented shrubs of osmanthus.

The private park of Varignana Palace is enriched also by five olive trees (Olea europea) of recent installation, which are centuries-old trees from Southern Italy.

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Via Ca Venturoli, 1715A - Castel San Pietro Terme(BO)

051 19938300

Altre info

30,00 euro a persona, comprensivi di visita guidata al giardino e selezione di té e tisane, caffè, succhi di frutta, pasticceria minon fatta in casa a Palazzo Varignana; 15,00 euro a persona, comprensiva di visita a guidata del giardino, opzione valida solo per gruppi a aprtire da 10 perone.

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