La patata Aquilana

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Within the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park an ancient variety was found, named “turquoise” for its characteristic violet colour of the peel, still remembered by old people but disappeared from their table. The project was launched in 2003 in order to reintroduce the study of the tuber in its original areas of production but also in other municipalities and at various altitudes to assess its behaviour and its agronomic and sensorial characteristics, in order to limit the risk of extinction.

Nowadays, the tuber is no longer forgotten and the Associazione Produttori della Patata Turchesa del Parco guarantees its production and origin.

Together with the producers, also shops and restaurants are members of the Association: thay are the only ones who can sell and use this kind of potato.

In 2015 it became Presidio Slow Food.

The Presidi promote small traditional productions that are disappearing all over the world, give value to the territories, re-establish ancient artisanal jobs and techniques, save from extinction native animals and varieties of vegetables and fruits.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Parco Nazionale del Gran Sasso

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