Landriana Gardens

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The Landriana garden stretches over 25 acres in Ardea, near Rome. It was conceived by Marquise Lavinia Taverna and designed by Russel Page.
The green area is divided into gardens with many floral species of all kinds and all origins: the gray garden, the blue lawn, the valley of roses, the white avenue, and the garden of olive trees. Russel Page worked on a highly geometric layout, highlighted by hedges and paths. Adjacent to the house he built a pergola, a garden with a tub, and a flower bed of gray plants. Page then designed a rose garden, now called Giardino degli aranci (Orange Garden), a garden for special collections – now called Giardino degli ulivi (Olive trees garden), and a rock garden.
A straight staircase was built on the side of the hill, the current Viale Bianco which reaches the lower area. Other green areas of the park overlook an artificial lake. The garden hosts two main events dedicated to gardening and nursing, in October and April.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Via Campo di Carne 51, Tor San Lorenzo - 00040 Ardea(RM)

06 91014140

Altre info

Biglietto comprensivo di guida: 8,00 euro adulti; 4,00 euro bambini dai 10 ai 12 anni; gratuito bambini fino ai 9 anni.

Aprile-maggio, tutti i sabati e domenica 10.00-12.00, 15.00-18.00, con visita guidata; giugno-luglio-settembre, prima e terza domenica 10.00-12.00, 16.00-19.00, con visita guidata; 13-14-15 agosto, 10.00-12.00, 16.00-19.00; ottobre, prima e terza domenica 10.00-12.00, 15.00-18.00; durante la settimana solo su prenotazione per gruppo e scuole.

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