Molentargius – Salt Pans Regional Natural Park
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This park is basically a wetland extending over an area of about 3.954 acres within the urban expansion of the municipalities of Cagliari, Quartu Sant’Elena, Selargius, Quartucciu, and Poetto waterfront. The peculiarity of this area is given by the presence of both fresh and saltwater basins, separated by a mostly arid plain called “Is Arenas”.
The freshwater area includes the ponds of Bellarosa Minore and Perdalonga, while the saltwater section features the stretches of water of the former production system of the “Saline di Stato” (State Salt Plains) of Cagliari. This particular humid area offers the possibility to observe many marsh and non-marsh plant species.
The freshwater environments are populated by vast stretches of common reed (Phragmites australis) and narrowleaf cattail (Thypha angustifolia) together with hydrophilic species such as duckweed (Lemna gibba and Lemna minor), and frequent patches of Ruppia marittima, as well as several annual species.
There are many endemic entities, like Delphinium longipes “moris”, Euphorbia pithyusa “cupanii”, Linaria flava “sardoa”, and Lotus cytisoides.
In addition to the endemics, there are some species currently threatened of extinction, including: Cynomorium coccineum “coccineum”, Halocnemum strobilaceum, Halopeplis amplexicaulis, and Limonium avei.
In addition to the great variety of plant species, this park offers the perfect chance to spot many species of sea birds, such as pink flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus) that have been nesting in its ponds for many years. In addition to this species, which has become the true symbol of the park, there are also black-winged stilts, coots, purple, white and grey herons, cormorants and marsh harriers.
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Via La Palma s/n - Cagliari(CA)
070 379191
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