Molise Honey

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On the 1.713 square miles of the Molise, many types of honey are produced, including in particular:

-Sunflower honey (Helianthus annuus): especially widespread in lower Molise. It has a typical colour – bright yellow – and tends to quickly crystallize.

-Sulla honey (Hedysarum coronarium): highly prized, produced in the countryside of Trivento and the neighbouring municipalities. Molise is one of the few regions that produce it. It has a pale and almost white colour.

– Alfalfa honey (Medicago sativa – “Miele di Erba Medica”): light-coloured, very sweet and fragrant, it is produced in September-October.

– Chestnut honey (Castanea sativa – “Miele di Castagno”): produced near Matera, it is a dark, ranging from amber to almost black shades. It is particularly appreciated as it doesn’t feature a flat and/or overly sweet flavour. It has a strong aroma therefore it is not used to sweeten, but rather to add extra natural flavour.

– Wildflower honey (“Miele Millefiori”): produced in the spring throughout Molise, although it slightly changes its main features according to each local floral essence used.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)



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