Museo del Pomodoro
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Museo del Pomodoro has been inaugurated 25th September 2010, with a convention dedicated to “Il pomodoro a Parma: storia, imprenditorialità e gusto”. It is located inside the Giarola court and it hosts an exhibition of this vegetable of American origins, but which has found a fertile soil in the province of Parma already during the second half of the 19th century.
The museum path is divided into themed sections. The first one is about tomato’s history, from its arrival in Europe in the 16th century, after the discovery of America, till its diffusion in this area.
Then, the route goes on to tomatoes’ processing industries in Parma, from the dry product till its conservation, from the concentrated till the puree, from already made sauces till drinkable juices.
The third sections shows the development of production technologies and then the final product and its packaging, with the exhibition of original tins, tubes, and then the development of mechanical industry.
The route is closed by the area dedicated to the protagonists of the factory work, and to the culture of “Mondo Pomodoro” with publicities, quotations, paintings, sculptures and recipes and its use on pizza and pasta.
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Italiano (Italian)
Strada Giarola 11 - 43044 Collecchio(PR)
333 2362839
Altre info
Ingresso con degustazione euro 5,00; ingresso senza degustazione euro 4,00; gruppi (min.15 persone), over 65, convenzioni, scuole, bambini da 6 a 12 anni euro 3,00; gratuito per diversamente abili con accompagnatori, accopagnatori gruppi e scuole, giornalisti e minori di 6 anni. Visita guidata per un massimo di 25 persone euro 20,00 oltre al prezzo del biglietto.
Dal 1 marzo al 8 dicembre: sabato, domenica e festivi dalle 10.00 alle 18.00; da martedì a venerdì aperto su prenotazione per gruppi di minimo 15 persone. Giorno di chiusura: lunedì; da dicembre a febbraio chiusura stagionale.