Riserva Regionale Abetina di Rosello

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One of the most important forests of the Appennines is, abetina di Rosello, is located at the border between Abruzzo and Molise and it is a reserve composed of Abies alba.

What makes Rosello one of the most important local reserves is the presence of fir trees, which are also the reason why it was established in 1997, which is studied and protected here, while it has disappeared in other areas. The fir trees of Central Italy are different from the Alpine ones, since they have developed the ability to adapt to warm Summer temperatures, like Abies alba subsp. of the Appennines, which germinates and grows thanks to a good exposure to the sun and has round apical needles.

Apart from fir trees, it is possible to find beech trees, yews, rare maple trees of Lobelius and other species in the Reserve; species like Asarum europaeum and orchids such as Epipactis purpurata are present in the undergrowth.

The reserve is crossed by the Turcano creek, tributary of Sangro river, in whose waters live crawfishes, a rare species; yellow-bellied toads live along the banks and salamanders are also presents, while mammals like wolfs and roe deers live in the forest together with birds like black woodpeckers, hawks and wood pigeons.

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66040 Rosello()

Comune di Rosello Tel: 0872/948131

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