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This famous winery was founded in 1879 by Domenico Triacca. Its headquarters are currently in Switzerland (Campascio in Val Poschiavo), but the actual vineyards are in Tuscany and Valtellina – two completely different places for sure.

Another member of the Triacca family is currently managing the company after 111 years from its foundation, and his first name is, again, Domenico. He’s the nephew of the company’s founder, who has always strived to make this winery one of the most important in Valtellina and a true icon of its territory.

The vineyards in Villa di Tirano (Valtellina) are some 111-acre wide, despite several steep climbs scattered with small crops.
Leonardo da Vinci was probably among the first enthusiasts of this full-bodied and excellent wine, produced with grapes growing on the southern side of the Rhaetian Alps. A single acre of the vineyard is quite a demanding thing to grow and manage, thus you need a lot of money, as well as excellent winegrowing skills and highly experienced vintners. Last but not least, it takes some courage to challenge the harsh and quite hostile environment every single year.

The peculiarities of these vineyards are, therefore, strictly related to the climate, the soil, the location and the terroir. All of them regularly benefit from significant technological improvements, as well as from the exclusiveness of the grapes used for wine production – Triacca never uses any imported grapes, also according to its very motto: “From my very vineyard”.

In 1969, Triacca bought La Gatta, a former Dominican monastery from the XVI century, later transformed into a residence by a noble family, and subsequently becoming a winery.
This complex is part of a spectacular terraced amphitheatre covered by about 32 acres of vineyards. The latter have been recently upgraded with selected clones of “Chiavennasca” variety.

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Via Nazionale, 121 - Villa di Tirano(SO)

0342 701352

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