
This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)

TuttoAttaccato means 100% Italian products, from their very design to production.
We’re talking about objects made in Italy by expert craftsmen who, with repetitive experienced gestures, create unique design and style recognizable anywhere in the world.

Tuttoattaccato strives to pass this very wealth of knowledge enriched by the creative touch of architect Carlo Guazzo. In particular, Tuttoattacato offers jugs, pitchers, glasses, as well as glass and porcelain plates decorated with the traditional “Vicenza” technique: that is, using sponge molds and adding ornamental motifs inspired by the typical dishes of the surrounding area

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Via Ca' Morosini 94 - 36061 Bassano del Grappa(VI)

0424 502029


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