Valpolicella Vini Allegrini

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The Allegrini brand represents four wineries distributed between Veneto and Tuscany, for a total area of 593 acres of vineyards.
For many generations, the Allegrini family has played an active role in the area of Valpolicella: as early as 1557, Allegrino Allegrini acquired the right to use the Mazzurega springs for his cultivations and later, between 1616 and 1630, he was one the most important landowners in the whole area.

In 1854, the winery was officially opened and since that very year, it has been run by the Allegrinis. Giovanni, the forefather of the new generation, has done his very best to respect his family’s important tradition by painstakingly running, maintaining and bringing to international fame this excellent establishment.

The Valpolicella area, where the Allegrini properties cover 247 acres, is one of the most prestigious and renowned areas in Italian wine production; in fact, viticulture has been practised here since ancient times, as per the very meaning of the name Valpolicella: “val polis cellae” – “a valley with many cellars” (for storing wine).
All in all, this area is crossed by several “progni” – small torrential streams that guarantee a constant supply of water to the farmers.

The nature of the soil is mainly calcareous and its origin probably dates back to the Jurassic or Cretaceous periods; the climate is usually mild and temperate, with yearly rainfall between 35.43 and 43.30 inches.

There are several rural portions in Valpolicella, as well as ancient churches and many rustic and Renaissance buildings: among the latter, there’s an interesting example of XVI-century architecture – Villa della Torre, owned by the Allegrinis. This villa was built on the project by Giulio Romano and Michele Sanmicheli – it was devised to recreate the “Domus Aurea” of ancient Rome in all its splendour: the peristyle is again the fulcrum of the house, in conjunction with the XVI-century decorations with water and fire elements – to respectively symbolizes life and strength or beauty.

The small temple and the bucentaur dedicated to Jupiter, which overlooks Palazzo della Torre vineyard, complete the evocative effect of the composition, underscoring its historical and artistic importance.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


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