Villa Badoer Fattoretto
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Villa Badoer Fattoretto is in Sambruson, along Riviera del Brenta.
The villa that Giacomo Badoer (from a patrician family from Veneto), bought in the early XVI century was originally a convent, with an adjoining courtyard, a garden and a vegetable garden.
In the XVIII century, following a remodelling with it its current appearance, the residence was subject to numerous changes of ownership until 1903. Then, it was bought by Baron Carlo de Chantal. During WWII, the villa was requisitioned and transformed into a German military hospital and then a warehouse-depot by English commandos.
Fattoretto Ulderico bought the villa in 1945, acknowledging it as the perfect place where to work as a wine producer and a trader; it proved the perfect choice, also being close to the Brenta River, which for many years had been used for transporting wine to Venice by boat.
The villa is surrounded by a large park, which is home to many botanical varieties and a pond built by Baron De Chantal.
A structure adjacent to the villa hosts an interesting collection of prints and official edicts, religious and popular icons, old furnishings, as well as ancient tools for arts and crafts used by farmers, carpenters and the woodcutters. There are over 20.000 exhibits that form one of the richest and most complete collections in Veneto.
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Via Ettore Tito, 2 - Dolo(VE)
041 410113
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Visite guidate su prenotazione, solo i giorni festivi da aprile a maggio, settembre, ottobre
Turni delle visite guidate ore 15.00, 16.30, 18.00.