Ecomuseo delle Valli d’Argenta

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Valli d’Argenta distinguish themselves for the presence of water, which have left numerous signs on the environment, nature and human life. On the other hand, people have tried for centuries to regulate its flowing in order to start cultivating the land, constructing villages and make economic activities secure as well as improving hygiene. In addition, it is important to remember the extraordinary naturalistic aspects offered by the valleys.
The museum retraces the history and the picture of Valli di Argenta and their villages through five stations: Museo delle Valli in Casino di Campotto, the oasis , Museo della bonifica in Salarino, Museo civico, Centro culturale Cappuccini. Museo delle Valli has as object morphology of the environment, the life of its vegetation and animals, the human interventions made along the centuries. The oasis allows to visit and area with an exceptional naturalistic-historical value; Museo della bonifica and Stabilimento idrovoro Salarino provide evidence of the area’s botanical activities. Museo civico testifies the evolution of urban settlements and the most significant artistic expressions, which are connected to the history of the city. Lastly, there is Centro culturale polivalente Cappuccini, the most important of the valley’s cultural life.

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Via Cardinala - 44010 Argenta(FE)

0532 808058

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