Fondazione Rossini

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The Rossini Foundation in Briosco is a sculpture park featuring works of art from the second half of the XX century, created by the collector and entrepreneur Alberto Rossini. This peculiar exhibition was set up outdoors, on the hills of Brianza.

Every single work of art goes hand in hand with the surrounding natural landscape and the very vision of Alberto Rossini, who wanted to evocatively blend those two elements together.
There are some works of artists like Rambelli, Minguzzi, Negri, Milani, Mirko, as well as Pomodoro, Melotti, and Turcato; the collection then features masterpieces by Cascella, Consagra, and César, without forgetting younger artists, often tasked with some new creations by Alberto himself, as in the case of Stähler, Dietman, and Ievolella.

The exhibition pavilion was designed by the American architect James Wines, founder of the “Site” group, and offers every single artwork a comprehensive and most coherent way to blend and become part of the surrounding environment.

The Rossini Foundation also aims to become a cultural “center of gravity” in the area, stimulating interest in contemporary art (sculpture in particular) and serving as a gathering place to promote cultural development and aggregation.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Via Col del Frejus 3 - Briosco(MB)

335 5378472

Altre info

Gratuito: cittadini dell’Unione Europea di età inferiore ai 10 anni, membri ICOM (International Council of Museum), personale del Ministero per i Beni e la Attività culturali, giornalisti di stati membri dell’Unione Europea, cittadini dell’Unione Europea portatori di handicap documentato, compreso accompagnatore. Ridotto: studenti fino a 26 anni, docenti e studenti appartenenti alle Facoltà di Architettura, Conservazione dei Beni Culturali, Lettere e Filosofia (corsi con indirizzo archeologico o storico-artistico) e Accademie di Belle Arti, cittadini dell’Unione Europea di età superiore a 65 anni.

Da aprile a settembre solo su prenotazione al numero 335 5378472 (attivo dalle 10.00 alle 12.00 e dalle 15.00 alle 19.00).

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