Palari Winery

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Palari winery was founded in 1990 in some farms that had already been active for over 100 years. The company’s headquarters are set in a splendid XVIII century Sicilian villa, 1.968 ft above sea level and 1 mile from the Strait of Messina.

The vineyards grow in the district of Palari, in Santo Stefano Briga, a hilly stretch of the Municipality of Messina crossed by the Santo Stefano Stream.

The vineyards actually grow on very ancient stone terraces: those facing south-east feature a very steep slope and a specific sapling training, which involves completely manual harvest. The microclimate is truly unique since on less than 3 miles, the altitude ranges from 0 to 1.476 ft above sea level: such conditions and the strict selection of the grapes allow a yield of less than 35 oz. of grapes per plant.

Most of the grapes grown are ancient varieties of eastern Sicily. The autochthonous grape varieties, regulated by FARO D.O.C. (controlled denomination of origin) production standards, features fascinating and evocative names like Nerello, Nocera, Cappuccio Tignolino, Core ‘e Palumba, Acitana, Galatena, and Calabrese.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


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