Park of the Orobie Valtellinesi

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The Valtellina Orobie Park is on the northern slope of the Orobie Alps. Unlike Parco delle Orobie Bergamasche, it features continental or crystal sedimentary rocks and very high peaks such as Pizzo dei Tre Signori, the pyramid of the Devil of Tenda, Monte Gleno, Pizzo Tornello, Pizzo Coca, and several others.

There is a lot of evidence of agro-forestry-pastoral activities and commercial exchanges in this area: the museum of Homo Salvadego (which contains frescoes depicting prehistoric hominids), the iron smelting furnaces, General Cadorna’s defensive line (built during the First World War – but never used – together with some remains of trenches), the production facilities of Bitto cheese, and the ancient Priula road (one of the most renowned communication routes which, since 1593, has allowed commercial exchanges from Valtellina). These places can be visited along the Gran Via delle Orobie, one of the most renowned hiking routes at an altitude of about 5.900 ft and stretching on some 81 miles: ideal for some thorough sightseeing and exploration of the whole area. There are also many other themed itineraries, well-detailed and explained on the park official website


Exposure to the north and abundant rainfall favor lush deciduous forests at the lowest altitudes, and conifers at the highest ones. On the park website, visitors can download the complete list of the local flora which includes Picea abies and Pinus cembra at the highest altitudes, Rhododendron spp., Alnus spp., and Juniperus spp. between the alpine forest and the prairie (which, in the summer months, literally explodes with wondrous colors).
Along the waterways, there are endemic species like Sanguisorba dodecandra and, on the high glaciers, the Viola comollia.


The fauna is also very rich: during the excursions, visitors may easily come across chamois, ibex, and roe deers. Inside conifer woods, there are black woodpeckers and martens, animals that manage to survive especially in protected areas; with a bit of luck, stoats or white partridges hidden in the snow can be also spotted.
Excursions in the park are available upon reservation and always with a local guide.

Please note: Mountaineering equipment is not required but, given as many refuges are closed or offer limited services, it is always advisable to bring a sleeping bag and a stove.

This post is also available in: Italiano (Italian)


Via Toti 30C - Sondrio(SO)

0342 211236

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