Villa Nobel Gardens

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Villa Nobel is famous for being owned by Alfred Nobel, who called it his “nest”, as he spent a long period of his life there. It is mixed-style building from the second half of the nineteenth century, surrounded by a garden.
Located opposite Villa Ormond and just beyond Villa Zirio, it was renovated by architect Pio Soli, right after the acquisition by the famous scientist. Inspired by motifs of neo-Gothic architecture, Pio Soli built an elevated floor, thus radically changing the central roof and eliminating the ones above the turrets. In the attic, alternating windows and frescoed metopes were created as well. Nobel himself contributed to the new interior design, creating a space with exotic and colonial-style furnishings typical of the late 19th century. The “nest” was thus ready to permanently welcome its new owner. As a matter of fact, Nobel spent the last years of his life right there, constantly busy with his research.

He was 63 when he died in 1897, and the villa became the property of Adolphe Philipp, then it was again sold, nine years later, to Mr Giobatta Parodi. The latter’s heirs eventually sold it to the Autonomous Tourist and Tourism Agency of Sanremo, in 1969. In 1973, it fell under the Provincial Administration of Imperia. A significant turning point was that of 1993 when 9-year renovation work began.

The garden surrounding the villa deserves a special mention, especially where there used to be Nobel’s labs.
In ancient times it actually reached the sea, sea it was later transformed and reduced.

There are very valuable and exotic plants, including a Cupressus macricarpa from California. The whole place is of vital importance also as an independent element.

Villa Pergola Gardens – Lilies of the Nile Collections

These gardens feature several exotic species which benefit from the mild climate of the western part of the Riviera.
For instance, there’s a 400-variety collection of Agapanthus, bulbous herbaceous native to southern Africa, with numberless shades of blu, turquoise and white.

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